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Hackl J, Huang X*. 2025. Revisiting adaptive introgression at the HLA genes in Lithuanian genomes with machine learning. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 127: 105708.
Huang X*, Rymbekova A, Dolgova O, Lao O*, Kuhlwilm M*. 2024. Harnessing deep learning for population genetic inference. Nature Reviews Genetics 25: 61–78.
Huang X*, Kruisz P, Kuhlwilm M*. 2022. sstar: A Python package for detecting archaic introgression from population genetic data with S*. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39: msac212.
Huang X, Fortier AL, Coffman AJ, Struck TJ, Irby MN, James JE, León-Burguete JE, Ragsdale AR, Gutenkunst RN*. 2021. Inferring genome-wide correlations of mutation fitness effects between populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38: 4588–4602.
Huang X*, Wang S, Jin L*, He Y*. 2021. Dissecting dynamics and differences of selective pressures in the evolution of human pigmentation. Biology Open 10: bio056523.